An Organic Website of Consciousness

Starting from the bottom this morning. I want to design an ownership plan where people come together and the ownership spreads to each contributor according to their working and writing contributions, new and old, large and small.  

Original owners continually divide equally or depending on a hierarchy of functions; sounds simple, but not so. I want to leave my website to operate and function on this ideal.

Pupi has served to implement the structure and I’m trying to figure out what she is entitled to control, own, and then for her to continue supervising it after having set it up.

The image of “me” and “mine” in control of the website is confusing because I don’t have all that much time as I am not going to be living much longer. A year, a month? At any rate the web organism I founded will be passed on to someone(s) that I hope will seek to carry on with its purpose in an open dialogue of insights, ideas, and images integrated into a Kosmic, Organic, encyclopedia or guide to the human path of consciousness development and awareness.

How do I do this in a way that will essentially keep on the path of inquiry and avoid the ego narcissism of possession historically, perhaps even genetically, embedded in ownership and still find this engagement of those who will come to “own” it?

I don’t see anyway to give away my ownership and its vision to another, much less to “others”? Is this possible?

How do I get a union of a few to find their way to engaging the task of organizing and managing a website of consciousness, and then filling the site with creative insight and dialogue?

Where and how, do I inspire a few to manage and create for those who can, need, and will utilize this cultural and spiritual window that I have created? Is it then fundamental that there be owners and possession in order for it to continue to manifest and grow? If not what is the alternative?

Can the bond of owning be created without possession?

I presently “own’ the site. I now need to copyright it, secure it. Then what?

How can I make the site enliven itself where others can find interest in continuing its functioning?

Big problem!

“Sanguines, cholerics, phlegmatics, melancholics unite!”