The Pathology of the Myth of Self Importance

”Most intellectual doctors are arrogant quacks.” David Jackson

“It is like putting a huge divine penis on ‘God’ and calling it wisdom.” David Jackson

We feel so intensely about ourselves that we lose this understanding. Then in the daily rhythm of feeding and the struggle of satisfying our desires, which we use to rationalize our biological foundation in self delusions of our personal importance.

I am thinking that what we don’t know, and / or understand about our life, is that we are just another animal in the animal kingdom with the unfortunate liability of some consciousness in the short term cycle of our individual life and death.

It is like putting a huge divine penis on ‘God’ and calling it wisdom.

So you can see what it is that bothers egocentrics. It’s that I do not show the expected and required respect or regard for their illusion of self importance, which most use to feel they are the center of the universe, while holding on to their penis of wisdom.

Where does this ‘come’ from? Where is it ‘coming’ from? What is it ‘coming, to? What is ‘coming’?

WE are screwed! Because we are unaware of the biological mother of it ALL. We are blind in denial of the laws, conditions and the biological imperative of all life forms. Which is the container of our existence. So much so that we destroy Life to eat, but unlike other animals, we eat our mother too. Because we regard the Life process as less than our personal self importance, which comes and goes in a Cosmic Microsecond of the human lifespan. Which is also felt to be so important to 7.6 billion short term egos defying the rules of survival of their own existence.

So what am I supposed to give to you as my regard, respect, encouragement? My abeyance, loyalty, trust and love? It’s not about my feelings or yours. It’s about our extinction.

No wonder you don’t like me to speak. You don’t want to listen to my voice and especially my knowledge and insight.

And then comes awareness. Most do not know what this means beyond disruption of their comfort, of their own self delusions of self importance where the essential meaning of “WE” doesn’t exist.

Biological overpopulation means something has to bring what we do into balance with the bio-system. If you care to look at the knowledge gained by those who study these things and gather and expose facts, you will see not only the outcome of overpopulation, but also the pain, suffering, disease, disruption of all and everything in life collapsing as it travels to the end of its existence. Which is death of the overpopulated species, i.e. you, me, us and our kind.

We could perhaps not regulate and control our birth rate and slowly move back to a sustainable population level, but we are unable to let go of our individuality, our personal sense of self importance. We are unable to sacrifice our individual self in order for our collective species of animal to survive. I might well be able and willing to sacrifice you and them, but not me and mine.

So, the prognosis (knowledge preceding activity) is an ambiguous nothing in which we are just dying leaves blowing in the wind. (making noises of protest of course.)

I guess it is also pointless to know these things, this dilemma of our continuing existence, and for me to expose this reality of our fate in which we can do nothing…“Shut up, David! You are disturbing the peace and getting off on your diagnostic skill of conscious awareness, but being unable to bring us back to life.”

The trouble is that one cannot ignore, nor can one forget, what knowledge brings into the reality of meaning.

Is this also something that might explain, from deeper sources of the self, why humanity has chosen belief and fantasy to guide its behavior as having priority over using a rational knowledge base to guide us that doesn’t embrace the delusion of individual self importance?

So laugh your ego self to death. It doesn’t matter.

“They” let me live too long. Long enough to envision the biological truth dominating the pathological human myth of the importance of the self, the “Me”.