Mommy! I’m Pregnant

“Intelligence is like salt, it’s all about what you use it for?”

David L. Jackson

“I don’t have a brain. I don’t have an education. I don’t have a job. All I got is a vagina. I don’t want a baby.”

Still wondering about the emotions generated by the image of destroying a fertlized human egg. It is the name, like Embryo and then there is a “living” fetus.

The sperm and egg joining together begins the life cycle in almost all animals, it is a given polarity of existence. In humans and most other animals, it is commanded by sexual desire generated by the neural chemistry of the brain and body.

The name of the game is reproduce healthy and capable offspring in order to replace those who produced you, me, and then die in a continuous cycle of life and death.

There is no romance necessary, though partnerships are common and develop stories and adventures that change the character of this relationship in different species. It begins and ends in the ‘given’ of life reproducing itself, followed by death.

Each species creates its own story within the boundaries of its neurology which carries the character, talent and skill in their genetic species.

The mystery is “Why?” and what it learns to create for itself in order to enter their life drama. Uniquely as far as we now know, humans have an addition of self awareness to utilize in the short time of its own existence. This is carried into the future of the species through the offspring. Knowledge and breeding also determine tiny differences— mostly useless, but occasionally contributing to the greater wellbeing of its species. This genetic mystery remains open to discovery, understanding and application in its entire nature.

Current understanding says this must be achieved by genetic selection and circumstance. Choices are also made consciously by individuals in what might be seen as a betterment for the long term survival of the species.

It is an evolution of body and consciousness of which the mind, its awareness and intelligence, play a part. You may not be qualified to have a child, especially if it is not wanted and/or you are unable to afford to raise a child to competent adulthood. It’s a hard question but only for those who face it in their reality.

Genetic engineering addresses this motive, but what comes with enlightenment are both ego awareness and the pathology of narcissism, I call it egognosis and egotosis.  This means knowledge and management of the inclusive self and the management of the problem of the pathologies of the exclusive self. Egognosis is the awakening of our need to engage the parallel quest for self and the quantity of its character in regards to the well being and progress of our whole species including the biosphere it depends upon for its existence.  Narcissism is a disease, a malady, a pathology. The mystery of Life is in the development of the consciousness of ALL.

This digs directly into the character and nature of conscious focusing on reproduction vs random breeding. The history of the past carried into the present. The arcane character of thought and feelings rooted in both the neural matrix and in social/cultural beliefs. These are what drive our emotions, thinking, and convictions about the values imposed on the abortion of an embryonic fetus.  

What it lacks is objective control of what is otherwise a random process driven by neural chemistry with little or no reflection or management of the primal forces at work, nor of the circumstance and capacity of raising a child into a conscious and responsible adult.

Very few within this conflicting dialogue have this objectivity. When one becomes emotionally repulsed by the judgment of aborting the life of a fetus, they are not including the knowledge and images of a significant number of human babies that are deformed while being a fetus, mentally unstable and/or physically and mentally pathological that will exist as a malfunctioning being. Some will also occasionally breed to propagate the deformity.

Then there is the genetic character, quality, and limitations of the parents, usually female, who have the economic, social and developmental responsibility of dealing with their own deficits and those of the child.

What of the one who does not want the responsibility of raising a child? Surely this is a practical matter and an ethical question than can only be addressed in the context of the individual having the right to choose vs someone outside the reality making judgments of others in an uninformed idealized vision of a living being without consciousness. What is the basis of choice?

I am not addressing the question of the character and development skills of the ones who raise the child nor its quality. Neither am I looking at the potential social impact of a maladjusted child, including the potential character, content, capacities and skills of a fetus.  The question for all of us—who make up society—“Is this fetus wanted by the mother? Is it to become a liability or an asset? What will be its impact and contribution to the whole of the human species and our task of improving the continuing existence of our kind?”

The strength of the ego bond of the fetus with the collective will determine the quality and character of its existence as a healthy life of self.

If any particular embryo is not equipped with health, mental and physical, emotional balance, intelligence and good will, why should it be entitled to exist? What if the social structure is not equipped and developed to optimize the growth of a pathological embryo to full adulthood?

Am I to hold regard for “life” regardless of its pathology? Its non functionality? Suppose it develops into something mean spirited, cruel, violent, alienated, low I.Q. and stupid? Psychologically, pathologically and or neurologically loaded with violent anger?  

The answer is “No.” The sustainable process of collective human existence is to learn, know and apply how to manage its reproductive process rationally i.e. to control sentiment and egotosis in order to protect society from narcissism, self delusional images of Divine guidance and Violence.

It should all be carried out with sensitivity of those whose life is impacted by being pregnant and having no desire or the will to raise a child. Genetic engineering is helping manage some of the birth defects, but handling and managing unqualified parenting?

Birth control, genetic qualification, and abortion by choice are the only civilized tools to manage young, ignorant, impassioned, incompetent children from participating in sex. Their pregnancies should not be the choice of self righteous zealots with no dog in the fight. It’s none of their business.