Owner’s Reason: Capturing The Ethical Soul Of Society

Western life won’t return to what it was before. There remains a broad abandonment of ‘we are all in this together’—life being about “me” rather than “us”. 

I sense an unwillingness of many to trust that the ‘other’ can be relied on to do what is honest and right—having been corrupted by the abuse of power through ownership.

“What is right is anything I wish to do with regard to what I own. Ethics is arbitrary if I own it.”

“It’s my “Bible” and I am perfectly free to make as many paper airplanes out of it as I choose.”

“I can do whatever I want to do because I own it.”

We bring this possessive authority to knowledge, to law, to ethics—these things mean whatever the owner wants them to mean. Ownership means I do not have to have regard for ‘your’ truth. 

Relevance is negotiable. If you have an idea, its content and purpose is irrelevant if I own the financial space.

This seems to be a corruption, a sickness, at the core of American political, business, and daily living’s culture. It is the emptiness of the ethical soul of our society that is the final captive of Truth.

The facts of rational relevance, outside the narcissistic ego of power, needs no respect, nor regard for others, it serves only what I am and what I own.

This is a powerful realization of what lives among human psyches generally. It is a form of spiritual suffocation. 

Ethical values have always been part of the baseline of culture. Culture adopts and carries these values within—giving regard and respect. Part of cultural leadership is supporting these values through one’s example. When an outside culture is met, we are often suspicious about whether the other’s values have a common basis in acknowledgment and belief.

But in the ‘owner’s world of capitalism’ ethical values are secondary to the value and power of ‘owning’.

This unleashes economic aggression. The scales of justice and ethical values are lost to possession and control.

Possession in this paradigm seems to be embedded in the heart and mind of the tyrant. It is what undermines and compromises justice, equity and rational interaction.

The CV-19 virus has, for the moment, broken the physical activity and movement of capital exchange and its distortions of ownership. The tyranny of invalidation of hierarchical class individuality in the economic social process is all about subduing others for the interests of ‘owning’.

Presently, there is a continuation of the basic premise of ‘owning’ that undermines the ethical values which serve to fulfill the needs of all, including education, awareness, and consciousness of the rational principles of collective existence. This has been, and continues to be, compromised for self interest in a viral compulsion of ‘owning’ as the dominant fulcrum of control of everything else in life—regardless of the reality of rational function in the survival of collective existence. Own it and you can compromise reality.

This pathology of ownership will not serve to restore the western cultures back into what it was before the CV-19 episode. 

What we now face are owners/leaders attempting to regain and maintain their ownership and control, and at the same time compromise and corrupt trust and reason that contradicts their narcissistic frustrations in what they think, believe, and OWN.