Consciousness In Death

I am under restriction to stay in my apartment for two or three more days, or until I get the results of my covid test. I’m not too concerned, as I am feeling better. I’ve been on antibiotics to treat pneumonia and am breathing easier—I have another five days of antibiotics. For now I’m just … Read more

Taliban’s Ape-Man Anthropology

I continue to be appalled by the behavior and primitive mentality, brutality, cruelty, and murderous insensitivity of the Afghan-war- lord-tribal-religion-based social structure—especially their hostility towards anyone not like themselves. Thinking about this without visualizing their murderous images is difficult. In particular, I struggle with the dehumanization and disenfranchisement of women and girls—based upon the (supposed) … Read more

The Rational Brave New World: In the beginning

This is probably the last of my journals.  I’m feeling active, but overwhelmed with the struggle in both the physical and intellectual realms. I continue to feel that I am seeing the true character of life vs the human interpretation of what life is, especially the need to be at the center of it all.  … Read more

A Positive Dream and the Tribal Paradigm

Rather interesting, my early morning dream state. I dreamt that I was the lead competitor in a professional golf tournament. It morphed into President Joe Biden leading in the final 9 holes.  It was a close score, but Joe was the winner! His win represented a change in world focus. Going from the angry judgment … Read more

Afghanistan and Genetic Tribalism

I’m wondering about the realization of joining the public parade. It is interesting from the global perspective, but alarming if you are on that boat as dysfunction creates chaos and collapse. I have an image of watching as the ship sinks. An interesting awareness about the story of Afghanistan from their perspective, and the history … Read more

Blinded In Freedom

I can’t see What lives within me; I don’t know what is in Life  That surrounds me; Am I free knowing none of this, In a delusion of individuality, Including the deadly side  Of Life’s biology?

The Rational “Brave New World”

Got the Revolution! ‘Brave New World’ by George Orwell. I realize what I’ve written here is in line with that product, only mine is to be called ‘Brave, New, Rational World‘ by David and others. The purpose of challenging the outcomes of the three previous state audits in Arizona, from the 2020 presidential election, was … Read more