Beyond Our Reach

I’m really feeling confused. It feels like there is no solution to the human social order. It feels like a kind of cosmic disappointment, much like helpless leopard cubs that sit in hunger without guidance and nowhere to go, while they wait for their mother to return with a kill.

Beyond Our Reach

The fanatics and zealots

Act out their rage without love

Strut about in self righteous cause

Out of reach of function and content

In Frustration

Empty of hope

Boiling in anger’s hollow voice

In empty gestures in meaning’s desperation.  

And I too am stirring in the pot of nothing

That I can hold in its core

Everything is out of reach of doing.

Meaning is buried in power

Distant like the Sun

Too hot

Or missing in the cold of night

When needed, I am out of its sight.

So here I am

Without arms or legs

Helpless in voiceless resignation

While it dances

Beyond my perception

In what lay beyond my reach of doing

Even when knowing and understanding

Its destiny is beyond my time.

I am barely present

In the instant of my life

As it continues unfolding in Its being

Beyond my significance.

So, like the Sun

Watching the powers of money and means

Captured in singularity’s greed

I too can only hope

It will find wisdom in the morning

And rise up to provide

The warmth I need

In the stuff of life

To live, breath and feed

But, like the Sun

Its powers do not ask my permission

To live or die

Carries on without hearing my cries.

And the monopoly’s monster

So, yelling or screaming

About their ways

In their strangled grip of control

In wealth’s possession and measure

They will not change the ethic

Of what they can steal and deny

Until they too are facing

Their own death in what they have destroyed

In Land, Air, Water and Sky.