I am under restriction to stay in my apartment for two or three more days, or until I get the results of my covid test. I’m not too concerned, as I am feeling better. I’ve been on antibiotics to treat pneumonia and am breathing easier—I have another five days of antibiotics. For now I’m just trying to keep up with the whole business of living, or is it dying?
Death is a mystery. It breaks the chain of cognition. Some speculations may be accurate, but of course how could they ever be proven? We have proof that the past is embedded in the genetics of the living and remains within the chaos of that which has lost cognition. The memories accumulated in life are embedded in death, as it is carried from the past into birth,
where it seeks to evolve consciousness in living, in the existing present.
Because the non-living no longer have the tools of cognition, there is only the knowing in the present, though, what has evolved and been learned becomes embedded in what is newborn.
The extent and dimension is vast and beyond the reach of most human consciousness in completeness. The expansion of its details and cognition in humans is the spiritual chore of being. The work involved in the pursuit of more is the meaning and purpose of being human. Perhaps all life is for this purpose—growth in consciousness. The task is vast. The tools of perception are science, imagination, and an open, rational mind.
This combination is not present in all brains/minds. It separates and liberates those who have learned from embedded, primal, neural characteristics in consciousness, and it is ever evolving into expanding awareness.
The obstacles to this cosmic growth are immense. For humans, it is the neural addiction to belief. Belief has been an important tool in the service of holding the community in common bond. However, the common bond has been usurped. As it stands today, this communion with others, in belief, is being utilized as a means to an all to common violent end—not a truth.