Hope is Lost in the Self’s Desire

The dream of hope is lost

In the self’s desire

Going into the emptiness of the future

There is nothing there for me

Nor for all that dies.

To think we are of concern in destiny

Is a distortion of nature

Easily filled with fantasy

And the vulnerability of irrational lies.

There was once a hopeful dream that if we could manage ourselves rationally, in a conscious relationship with reality, we could enable those who continue to live and die after us to exist for the life span of the earth and perhaps even our solar system.  

But, this dream was exchanged for a fantasy of separating our mind from reality; believing in a fantasy where our actual being and our kind would live forever as a manifested individuality. To claim this as a “reality” reveals the capacity of the human ego to distort mentality and the very essence of meaning and purpose of existence.

How this illusion evolved out of the animal kingdom—“kingdom” meaning that which dominates— can be seen, studied and known by anyone who makes the effort to examine life without the agenda of a distorted vision of self importance.

The vulnerability of self importance of so many human beings is genetic, reaching back in the long path of our evolution that is now embedded in the neural matrix of the human brain that drives every aspect of our existence.

The focus of the actions and concepts of our living is the ego. What is different for the human species is the ego’s capacity to reflect on its nature, character and purpose. However, only a small percent of humanity utilizes this capacity because the collective progress of evolution is yet to be embraced and leaves its influence as a general principle for all. It can, however, be nourished by education, support, and individual initiative.

Reflection requires an individual to distance themselves from their distorted embrace of self importance so as to be able to observe objectively what is the nature of the ego and what it serves and brings to the character of living. These are the forces that drive one’s behavior.

Recent scientific studies reveal the complexity of the neural/chemical circuitry embedded in our brains and bodies; which all together constitutes and determines the pathway from stimulus to response i.e., all that drives behavior including conceptualizing. Our question is, “What then is the “nature” of reality?”

We can only visit this question by knowing how to learn to clear our minds from our own self interests in a place of open mindedness, empty of any agenda other than seeking the knowledge and understanding of how what we examine “works” or functions; what ‘it’ creates in our conceptions and preconceptions of living life.

This takes a profound humility to accept ‘what is’ vs what one may wish for. Humility is what controls the ego. Without the control of one’s ego there is little objectivity. We are all familiar with the pathology of narcissism, especially in our leaders. Without humility one is unable to keep the mind clear so as to see and measure objectively what is the nature of the existence that is before them.

This is what it means to observe ‘reality’ objectively. Without the control of one’s ego there is no objective, rational observation of reality.

All the cultures of the World need ego therapy instead of belief programing and indoctrination. That way we would all be looking at the same reality.