Life on Earth Depends on Relief From Belief

It would seem that if you really believed and respected God that you would want to learn everything possible about “God’s work” and the life it creates.

But no, all that is required is that you “believe” without any questioning. No qualifications, no requirements, no intellectual curiosity. All you have to do is listen to unexamined words and be satisfied within yourself in the fantasy that you will live forever in an undefinable dimension of bliss, having no more requirements for struggle, pain, or disappointment.

Or, you can be an angry, cruel, self righteous, petty tyrant with a right-and-wrong club of judgment beating up on everything and everyone physically and psychologically who disagrees with your divine, inspirational delusions of self importance and perverted mission of love.

Why can’t we just let Notre Dame burn—go extinct—and leave it behind in the past where it once existed; building a new edifice that represents the life of rational common sense?

All that wealth gathered and donated to spend on the useless resurrection of a fossilized concept of belief from the past; continuing to pollute the consciousness of the present. Why not put those resources toward the development of mind and consciousness of as many children as possible, and maybe even a few adults who might have some neural flexibility remaining?

When we look down the road a 100 years from now will we find that our neglect of Nature—the “real work of God”—called life on earth, will not have a future? Not only Notre Dame, but humanity as a species may well burn to the ground and no longer exist.

How could anyone, with a thinking mind, believe that all you need to do is to embrace yourself as important and live forever after you die? Why not live in relevance to life while you live?

One question that might be asked: “Are humans collectively capable of rising out of their delusional concepts of the past and able to reform their ignorance and unawareness, to address the purpose and needs of the present; aligned with understanding as we reveal our current collective body of knowledge?”  

Is it that the majority of human beings are incapable of rational thinking? Learning?  Have most not evolved?

We certainly know that the conditions and resources of learning, especially when it comes to understanding wealth, are crucial throughout every phase of a child’s development; relative to its inherent neural character in the development of emotional integration and mental/intellectual capacities. Current institutional education is apathetic neglect in a migration of self interest from liberal education to job skills, from meaning to money. They have avoided the journey into consciousness and the dimensions of thinking. They also reject criticism and those who would reveal their self adulation and self narcissistic importance.

And then there is the absence, intentional hysterical avoidance, of any scrutiny or screening process of psychological health and discretion of breeding and parenting. Understanding that the volatility of this consideration in the social/political circumstance is also self destructive to the community. But, if unregulated breeding is allowed to continue unchecked, in its understandable neglect is also a life threatening factor in the wellbeing of all. This is a hornet’s nest of feelings and judgments; it is almost impossible to gain any objective scrutiny or public dialogue.

What is the reality that humanity is not facing in the problem of overpopulation? What does overpopulation mean? How are we to provide for everyone when their needs are beyond the capacity of the resources of the planet? What of the disposal of waste, pollutants, and sustaining the health of the environment and all life? What of the social order serving the whole of the species rather than the special interests of wealth and power?

How can we possibly gear up education to provide not just for employment and money, but for the necessity of the survival of all individuals on the planet? How can we educate students in gaining skills that will contribute to their understanding that all of humanity is in the same boat of survival?

It seems we will all be going to “Heaven” at the same time. It is irrational to believe that in a sinking boat creating division could be an effective survival tactic. It’s in our unity of purpose that we will together be delivered to the shore.