Narcissism, Biology and Leadership

“You only have what you got.”

“How can you have integrity and hold opinions without facts?”

“Most humans are like spaghetti without sauce.”

“The mind is above knowledge.”

“Knowledge is a process of accumulation. Knowledge is on the road to thought.

“Thinking is the integration of knowledge.” “Mind is meaning.” 

“ Time can be the evolutionary road to the vision of reality—but you have to spend time on the road.”


What comes to “mind”: the more I witness the human character, the more out of reach of hope it becomes.

Another TWO shootings, more soul desperation carrying a pathological seed of feelings in conviction with no mind to regulate its passion.

A president, nothing more than a tribal chieftain without a mind, elected by hate and frustration to guide his world with an embedded neural-ego-fantasy buried in an image of exclusive self importance.

What can “I” do that matters?

“Wow!” he exclaimed, “You have enough arrogance to rule the world!”

So, what does “rulership” mean?

To rule means to dominate—to control all that serves you—what you like and how you like it in a presumed certainty of what is right. 

It cannot suffer denial, refusal or rejection.

What exists in its feeling brain is the core reality of everything. It will not allow anything “real” or otherwise, to enter any thought that denies its image of itself.

There is no “other” but itself. 

“There are no others who matter, especially those who are not like me or believe in me unconditionally. “I am life and the universe. Tell me otherwise and you vanish in consideration. 

Follow me emotionally and we will dominate. Deny me and you no longer exist. 

What I am can’t be denied. I am the chosen biological leader of humanity.” Mindless Man be Praised!”


“So, I caught you in an unguarded moment with your pants down in an arrogant habit of judgment without substance. You displayed your arrogant ignorance without the content of knowledge or thought in your embrace of self, in the narcissism of self embrace, without the substance of self reflection, self awareness, knowledge or any awareness of humility in your singularity. An obscene display of egotism.”

The human ego without regulation—controlled solely by self interest—is all too common. It is in fact the generality of human behavior. Those who are in a position of authority and able to dominate the “others”— generally speaking— are without conscious awareness of, or concern for, others; other than their following orders and behavior. Their exclusive motive is some kind of biological urging to rule or dominate.

Perhaps this has more to do with biology than it does with knowledge and awareness or even intellect. Furthermore, it is embedded in the social dynamic and it isn’t necessarily focused on social well being. This organic force lay deep in the neural construct of the human brain, especially the male, as a reflection of tribal dominance in order to provide coherence, safety and control over behavior. This has a long standing history in the social evolution of human beings.

Throughout millennia hunting was focused on the distribution of the kill in a hierarchy of power. The best hunter and his family ate first. 

In the evolution of human growing the “leader” had to take charge of cultivation, finding and protecting territory from animals and other human beings. That is different in that he must stay in place and take charge of others, defend and protect its crops with everyone’s help. Rulership in growing is keeping the members of the tribe focused on the collective effort needed to succeed in its task. Hunting is a unification of effort in order to be a success in the hunt. 

It takes male dominance to carry out both tasks.

This male dominance is historic, genetic behavior embedded over millennia in the brains of most living animals that depend on explicit behavior in order to continue to provide for their family and tribal existence.

The task of existence in today’s communities of human beings continues to intensify as populations expand and environments reach their sustainable limits in what are now the fields of the global community of humankind. Meanwhile the human male brain of leaders remains in its primeval state for the uneducated many, and are driven by neural reactions using dominance without dimension, in mindlessness and ignorance. 

 Where could it possibly end when embedded neural narcissism predominantly prevails in those in positions of leadership and power?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if reason could dominate testosterone?