One 4th of a July

So, what does it mean

The 4th of July 

In liberty’s quest?

To celebrate in its decline

Indebted to the few

With so much cash in greed’s heavy chest

So many, fighting in need

Wars fought in Justice claims

Lost in ambiguous reality

Dominated in violent White 

Generating the Blues

Of others blood flowing Red

As Bible babble screams

Death to those who don’t believe

In what freedom has not achieved

In sophistication’s sharpened sword

Telling truth’s fable to those 

Who don’t share Liberty’s knowing

Of the flush of Possesion’s owning.

So, march and sing 

To the violent beat

And join in the parade of the enemy’s defeat

Return in victory on the body’s crutches  

With surviving hearts of pain

Broken in wounded trust  

In meaning’s senselessness in other minds ringing

Who then find themselves killing

So many innocent ones like us.  

And then there are the others

Who now carry another flag 

In their freedom’s defeat.

Why do we celebrate guns?

Worship the profit 

In there deadly sophistication 

And join the chorus of death’s celebration  

Of war’s dead children 

And their father’s last breath

Dying for hidden purpose in victory’s tears 

Again and again and again 

More and more over the years

Its purpose lost to the brain 

Buried in feeling’s fears

The 4th of July

Where rockets fly

In their red glare

Where dollars sing in solitaire

And hungry children cry

Bombs bursting in air

Fall from the sky

Land on the ground

In its deadly sound

As everyone in the village die.

Celebrate the 4th of July?

Pie in the sky

Rockets in air

Brings nothing to my heart 

But despair.