Outside Reaching In, Inside Reaching Out

I am certainly feeling my separation from what I perceive to be the character and nature of humanity in general. It is something I carry around in my paradigm of being that is distant from the norm.

It is, perhaps, that I am frequently reaching too far into what I sense to be the deeper character of human species and how it affects “us”, and what we conceive ourselves to be as humans. This is not generally welcome and most find it intrusive to their privacy.

It’s like looking at the “crowd” from the outside and being in it. From the outside there is no necessity of identity of the self, i.e. objective distance. One sees himself as just another being, but being inside, on the ground, it becomes ”personal”. This can provide a three dimensional perspective if we now include humanity’s place as just one species among all that is living.

I can see why some individuals have difficulty with this image, in its ever shifting and changing perspective, depending on what is in the neural character of an individual’s ego. The movement in either direction can be problematic, especially in a polarized image of us-and-them, me-and-you. One can feel driven to move in either direction depending on whether they are seeking identity or avoiding it, seeking to belong, join and to bond with family/tribe/community, or to escape the scrutiny of others and their judgment, as it is often experienced by a third of the population as something anti-social.

This is an in-or-out psychic paradigm with extensive influence on what an ego accepts and rejects, sees and denies, listens to and shuts out, feels and avoids. Like obscenity, sex, and commercials for instance. A lot of the “like/not like” tastes and habits are intensified or vanish, depending on the place and circumstance one finds himself, as in provoked circumstances like fear, anxiety, pleasure, comfort.                                                

One meets circumstance with the neural composition and habit of what is ‘given’ in their DNA, via the reproductive chain of their evolutionary past and the character of one’s ancestors.

I find the quest into behavioral response of humans to be fascinating. I suggest this trail of the socializing, training, and propensity of these different responses to be at the foundation of the character of each individual, its impact on the collective social order, shaping the processes and outcomes of social life.

Two daunting questions: “What is, and how do we align with, our collective existence with the bio-organic demands of life on earth? How do we sustain and regulate ourselves in rational control of our responses in meeting individual experience that is compatible to human life on earth?” A very difficult development given the four patterns of human temperament, their propensity and capacity to be psychologically open and free on the one hand, and constrained and responsible in an understandable and acceptable social/political functioning on the other?

Answering and asking these questions from both the perspective of one’s inner self and the “outer” open universe, then dealing with distortions and pathologies of the neural health of each individual, and thus society, in a standard knowledge-based, holistic health of the human DNA neural matrix, is perhaps the only thing that can save our species

In the meantime, ignorance of the neural mechanism as the foundation of consciousness, and denying rational knowledge in distorted fantasies of beliefs created as ‘answers‘ to what is unknown, is what distorts most human concepts of “reality”; having separated us from the integrity of our dependence on nature, putting our survival in jeopardy.