Owner’s Reason

Western life will not return to what it was before covid-19. There remains a broad desertion from being part of a greater whole. We are living in a time of the fracturing of what we knew before. The focus is out of balance—in favor of Me rather than US—to the extreme!

What I sense today is a lack of trust in others, that the other cannot be relied on to do what is honest and right. In the past, what the populous has known and trusted, is now corrupted by the abuse of power through ownership.

"What is right is what I say it is, and I have every right to do whatever I want with what I own. Ethics is arbitrary if I own it."
“It's my “Bible” and I am perfectly free to make as many paper airplanes out of it as I choose.”
“I can do whatever I want to do because I own it.”

And here we are, having taken this possessive authority to knowledge, to law, to ethics. These things mean whatever the owner wants them to mean.

 "We, the owners class, are not obligated to have regard for your truth". 

Relevance is negotiable. If you have an idea, its content and purpose is irrelevant if I own the financial space.

This is a corruption, a cancer, which has infiltrated the very marrow of the American political and business apparatus, and has now metastasized into culture’s daily living. It is the emptiness of the ethical soul of our society that is the final captive of Truth.

The facts of rational relevance are nowhere to be found. The narcissistic ego of power does not feel any obligation to listen to the needs of others, nor to have respect for them, because the others are irrelevant. All that matters is . . .

"Does it serve or threaten what I am, and what I own"?

This is a powerful realization of what lives among human psyches. It is a spiritual suffocation. 

Ethical values are part of the baseline of culture. We adopt and carry these ideas and values within us—giving regard and respect in service to those values for the well being of the whole. Cultural leadership must represent and support these values, and just as important, among the culture’s members, they must be enforced. When an outside culture is met, part of the suspicion is in what others believe and value—do they have a common basis in what we believe and value?

But, in the owner’s world of capitalism, ethical values are secondary to the value and power of ownership!

This has allowed economic aggression to run wild—its off the leash—and with that aggression, running right along side of it, is the unchecked justice-scale of ethical values. All that matters . . . ownership and control.

Possession in this paradigm seems to be embedded in the heart and mind of the tyrant. It is what undermines and compromises justice, equity and rational interaction.

The covid-19 virus has, for the moment, broken the physical activity and movement of capital exchange, including its distortions of ownership. The tyranny of invalidating the hierarchical-class-individuality in the economic social process, is all about subduing others for the interests of ownership.

You don’t have to look far to see it—a continuation of basic truth that is part of owning. It undermines the ethic of serving all, including education, self-awareness, and consciousness of the rational principles of collective existence. This has been and continues to be compromised for personal self interest of a few, in order to dominate the masses. It is a viral compulsion of ownership as being the dominant fulcrum of control, regardless of the reality of rational function in the survival of collective existence . . .

"Own it and you can compromise reality".

This pathology of ownership will not serve to restore western culture. We will not be returning back to what was, before the covid-19 episode. 

What we now face are owners/leaders trying to regain and maintain their ownership and control. And, at the same time compromise and corrupt trust and reason that contradicts their narcissistic frustrations in what they think, believe, and OWN.