Echos of Yourself

You run the course of time Unable to escape your kind Carried into the present Like and old sea shell Remembering its shape Not knowing from where it came It’s past is now your present So, like the character of before It makes a new sound With an old voice.

Beyond Our Reach

I’m really feeling confused. It feels like there is no solution to the human social order. It feels like a kind of cosmic disappointment, much like helpless leopard cubs that sit in hunger without guidance and nowhere to go, while they wait for their mother to return with a kill. Beyond Our Reach The fanatics … Read more

Beyond the Dream of Self

I think there exists something we humans cannot grasp and accept about the character of organic life, we’re not listening. The social order reflects this human confusion of what reality is, a denial of the dynamic package of organic life; it doesn’t need to consult or have any presence of concern about ‘Us’. It does … Read more

Lots of Work for Gravediggers

This story is told in the extremes of collapse As chaos unfolds In the desperate gestures of human beings.   Violence, fear, anger, Reflexes in violence and deception All in desperation’s quest. Denial is having a hard time Holding on to belief’s convictions Out of reach of adaptations. You would think the mind would change … Read more


Snowfall It’s almost irresistible to watch The fluffy white snow Floating into the trees Filling everything with the humility of white. Stop, watch, feel Feel the softness of its attitude, Of movement and doing. The calm blanketing of footprints Vanishing in its falling. Outside is looking for lost warmth Waiting in the silent cold. Breathe, … Read more

Senior Breakfast

“You want to talk about something serious?”, I asked. “No.” “That depends.” “Not with you.” I continued, “Well, first of all we are all refugees and generally mentally ill.” A Biologist, a Freudian therapist, a lady close to my own age that writes poetry, a 104 year old fossil lady, and two other elder ladies … Read more

A Union of Awareness

Denis Diderot, 1713-1784 This is a cosmic moment for me, the euphoria of meeting a consciousness like my own. I am uncertain about it because I have faithfully followed what I feel is my inner process of learning, consciousness and thinking, rather than the thoughts themselves. And yet, in recent years I have been creating … Read more

The Integrity Process of Building Trust

I could almost believe that “the” end of days will be next year on day 02/22/2020. What a configuration! I can feel that the social order is without the guide of common sense, but I don’t want to dwell on its pathology other than to speculate about what is missing . Especially when they are … Read more

The Four Temperaments and 64 Options

Another magic number. The Four Temperaments are determinate in driving much of the characteristics of human behavior. They are: Choleric / Melancholic, Sanguine / Phlegmatic. (Some images of these characteristics and qualities can be found in Rudolf Steiner’s work.) These characteristics shape the personality. I suspect they are embedded in the neural matrix of the … Read more

Higgs Loves What Matters

Moving away from time. It’s clear that the fundamental character of living is time. The story of existence is to slow down energy to hold itself in a particle so it has time to register how it feels to exist, in expanding itself, in order to slow down the fire of energy into particles, to … Read more