Polarity In Life Motion

There’s an atmosphere of loose ends—no place to put things, things don’t fit together, a bad place to fill with meaning and good.

Some are raging at what they feel to be ‘needing something to blame and attack’ to focus their hate. I can’t account for hate, but once it is there it won’t be erased. It is that which takes apart the goodwill of being with others. We come together to hate, and if we can’t hate we can criticize and judge—both polarize. It seems to work in both directions, generating feelings of separation and union from what is not liked, what we don’t want to see or hear. It’s like little molecules avoiding the embracing of others in a constant movement of to-and-from, in-and-out. The thoughts and images that arise out of this are driven mostly by an avoidance of disturbance. There is little more than a polarity, big or small, that keeps the tiny molecule of self in motion. It is a life-pumping stimulus for the basic motions of living. An organic grunting.

The direction of movement is not determining life, good or bad, but simply driving motions of here-to-there, to-and-from, in a visceral seeking of completion and balance in polarity.

As molecules, they join in ‘meaning’, a cell organism of joined likes/dislikes in cooperation.

This quest is one of success in positive or negative union.

Hate is a union of negatives.

Love is a union of positives and negatives, neutralized.

Both are the components in the inherent polarity of matter.

If we look at the H2 molecule we see something inherently positive.

If we look at O2 we see something inherently negative. (what does this mean?)

Joined, they neutralize energy into water which is the foundation of life—movement that has joined in the balanced motion of being. 

I see something sneaky that may give insight into the character of social interaction and its dimensions, especially in group expression and unification, both positive and negative, inclusive and exclusive, like and dislike, attraction and repulsion, hate and affection, in cosmic polarization.

When looking at family relations measured on the basis of the genetic character and foundation of likes and dislikes, acceptance and rejection, tolerance and judgment, emotional giving and distancing, etc., we would see something primal in human interactions. They lie beneath the expressions of personality behavior that veils the primary biological impulses, or predominantly positive or negative ‘settings’, in the hereditary neural matrix of all human individuals.

In fact it may be a genetic separation of ‘kind’ within the family or species. It may give us more clarity in understanding the separations of responses and behaviors within a species and their positive and/or negative motions that are driving the nature of their engagement.

”What is an outcome that works for the human species?”

“What would be a desired outcome if it could be managed or directed more rationally and less so, emotionally?”  

Life is motion

Life is: 

The Positive looking for the Negative

The Negative looking for the Positive

You Looking for Me

Me looking for You

Us looking for Them

Them looking for Us

Life is looking for

Life is looking away

Life is joining

Life is separating

These are the motions of living things

Living things are these motions.