Primal Roots and Ignorance in the Grip of Power

It’s rather shocking listening to a narcissist-tyrant ranting on the skillful use of emotional words, words he uses to twist and stimulate feeling-based convictions from ignorant-others, when he himself doesn’t care about them, except as ego-proxies, rousing their anger.

When I speak and write, the goal is to use words to bring understanding and meaning into the world of being.

I’ve tried to address evil as being a buzz word, and how its use matters in terms of motive. Donald Trumps’ motives seem evil, with just the right combination of mental/emotional drunkenness for a manipulative cocktail of words and feelings that can change or align the feelings of others. Donald’s sole purpose appears to be validation and acknowledgement of his genius, his conviction of who he is, and a need for others to acknowledge and worship him.

He needs the “outside” confirmation because when he is not paying attention, he feels deep doubt in himself. Is being worshiped what he so desperately needs to keep the dark hole buried from his realization?

Take note of the public dialogue that extends from his inner dialogue—sorting and rejecting those who don’t depend on him vs. those who submit to him in dependence, even at the cost of their own self-knowing and self-respect.

Those who are the closest to him consistently experience affirmation and praise that is short lived, only to be replaced with the most intense invalidation and dismissal of who they are, deliberately attacking their self-esteem and value as individuals as soon as they no longer serve his purposes.

The underpinning of it all is his obsession promoting and protecting an extreme narcissistic self image.

Where does this come from? What is its organic foundation? And why this forceful domination and cruel insensitivity in his relationship with all people? 

There is something rooted in the core of the human tribal community where killing/competing for survival has left its mark deep in the human neural matrix that drives the complexity of group behavior, its expectations and compulsions.

It would be very informative to obtain a general profile of the neurological centers and their chemistry that drive normal or archetypal human character, personality, its range of response extremes and some of its pathologies. 

Knowing this isn’t going to affect what is going on now—it will crash and burn on its own—but there are questions about the nature and character of the kind of damage left behind, and the failure of the restoration of trust and the necessity of a new dimension of power serving the whole community rather than the fulcrum of its own self interests.

Donald Trump has perhaps brought us the death of the current unsustainable pathology of wealth and egocentric political, social and commercial focus.

Is this a gift from hell or is it just another failed polarity that hasn’t yet learned to unify for the sake of its own survival?

“Trust no future, however pleasant,

 Let the dead past bury its dead;

Act, act in the Living present

Heart within, and God overhead.” Frederic Douglass

See Wikisource on Frederic Douglass speech July 5, 1852