Separations of Right/Left Brain Functions

Wow , Woww, Wowww!

Knowledge and ego. I am feeling both are a core phenomenon of why, how, and what each and every human being uses to identify themselves in their existence.

I speak of this not so much from what I identify in myself, but more from what I observe in others…what I believe to be knowledge, awareness, understanding, from watching how it works or manifests in consciousness or its absence in the generality of behavior, interactions and life concepts. There could be limitations for me in doing this, but I sense that it’s more about examining how it functions in life generally, more so than being about what I want it to be. I feel this to be objective overall in observing and having experienced it in my own life-all of this carried into my understanding over my 86 years.

I don’t want others to feel that I am being dismissive of them or their reality, that they are good, bad, enlightened or their thinking distorted. I only ask that they seek to explain how and what they are using as a reference of reason and knowing.

I recently had an encounter with someone who I felt shared the dimensions of this kind of consideration. I briefly shared with her how much is flowing into my own awareness and how inspired and relevant it makes me feel in a human world that has lost its mind and is scrambling to hang on to what it has joined with in desire, expectation and self indulgence. Thus distancing themselves from the awareness and capacity to guide existence from a base of rational understanding and knowledge. And then of how to change the course of human behavior and place belief in its proper perspective in order to live a rational existence that is so dependent on the survival of our species and possibly the earth-life system as well.  

She inferred that I was too busy with myself and needed to meditate. She inferred I was too occupied with myself, that my writing and perceiving was an illusion and that perhaps I should stop writing like this.

I was shocked. I was tired. I had worked all morning writing and editing the previous discussion and revelations, plus my 86 year old body was tired. I felt I had done really well, having revealed something relevant as to how so much of what is generally ignorance of the nature and dialogue of right/left brain neural functioning.

She asked me, “Do you know what knowledge is?”

The question stunned me. As I already felt expended, I searched my mind for a comprehensive answer. I sensed her negation of what I was offering. I was not being heard at this moment; coming from her distorted interpretation of the meaning of “all is illusion”, a Zen reality. This is why she recommended I drop deep thinking altogether. She shit on the prize.

I felt a bit off balance, I was disoriented and wasn’t sufficiently awake. I was feeling good and confident of my morning work and was not expecting to be challenged.

It is generally true that when I am at my worst the creative challenges arise. It seems to ‘know’ when I am off balance.

I held my own in an incomplete way. Later, I realized that she was sustaining ‘belief’ to be more relevant than knowledge. Her premise being that all rational knowledge is illusion, therefor her belief in a divine “God” is valid.

The previous day I had encountered a similar image, though not so deep as “God”. For those ignorant of the process choose to change at will ”what is true in science” into being false in the mind of ignorance. Denying knowledge entrance if it contradicts belief.

What I understand better now is just how desperate believers, functioning out of right brain concepts, are so unconsciously willing to undermine rational reality.

The fact of the overall ignorance, uninformed thought and understanding of left brain rational process of measure and evidence, absent in a majority of human’s mental construct, enables them to continue to bond with unproven and ungrounded images rooted in their feelings…sustaining this pathological distortion of meaning.

I had touched upon the mechanism of how awareness, knowledge, and consciousness arise out of an organic neural matrix, giving us the potential of responding to organic reality in a manner that could allow our existence to manifest and continue.

The limitations in the absence of Left brain training, development and application can give one a distorted, emotional license of conviction, which is then used to substantiate belief and judgment of what is or is not real.

“Thank you! Pat Bayless.”