I continue to be appalled by the behavior and primitive mentality, brutality, cruelty, and murderous insensitivity of the Afghan-war- lord-tribal-religion-based social structure—especially their hostility towards anyone not like themselves.
Thinking about this without visualizing their murderous images is difficult. In particular, I struggle with the dehumanization and disenfranchisement of women and girls—based upon the (supposed) principles of Mohammedanism. They seem to be a species left over from the primal past—living in an anthropological time warp.
In the current world of diverse social frameworks, many who came from this primal past have adapted to modern concepts of the world, but too many still remain prisoners of an archetype that is no longer applicable.
The growing global/biological populations, combined with the task of assimilation, interbreeding, transitional means of livelihood, travel and commercial interactions, all have contributed to modifying this primitive tribalism into what is now a kind of rattled and confused developing global community.
This process of adaptation continues to disrupt and confuse. What remains of this tribal-life‘s behaviors and beliefs worldwide is fueling anxiety, judgment, anger and violence, in a general undermining of trust and goodwill among a majority of individuals and groups.
Some of the classic tribes have not yet been sufficiently exposed to the modern experiences of life—economics and the availability of media’s toys and tools. Because of this they have been unable to grasp the modern world and cannot, as of yet, make the fundamental changes, conceptually, to participate in it. There is much in their psychological sense of self that is contradictory, but then there are those psychotic others who, having mental imbalances in their neural foundations, become a threat to themselves, their tribe, and now to the larger world community.
The character of the pathological war lord becomes a threat to everyone exposed to the manifestations of their psychosis. The more primitive one seems to be, the more they need to unite in a hysterical need of fanatic self-righteousness, based in the distortions of their religious beliefs.