The Alpha Window

Alpha waves are at the center of your brainwave spectrum, between 8-12 Hz. When your brain is operating at the alpha frequency, you’re able to absorb new information with ease and you’re significantly more creative. 

There is validation of the self when being present in alpha. Alpha is a place we can embrace in an open mental state—allowing the self to be, giving entrance to the inner window of time and space in order to blossom, to develop a more profound connection with life as a conscious habit in existing.

But then, there is also the world of circumstance which can often overwhelm us, drowning the spirit in its indifference, cruelty, isolation, arrogance, narcissism and fear. 

Walking the path of expanding awareness of self is not a sanctuary from pain, suffering, confusion, or error. However, the journey can bring meaning to one’s life—a means of validation of the spiritual realms, as well as the realities of the world of the five senses—in the time and place of one’s existing.

I understand that what I am speaking to here is through the written word, not the actuality. I see tremendous distortion in how many of us use the dimension of words to be the actuality, the reality we seek to describe. We read the wise words of others and confuse the reading with the actuality of its living and doing. 

‘To be educated’ is often confused with ‘being integrated’. We may see a cloud, study its anatomy and physiology, but not know what the principle is in its nature and purpose. 

Words are like clouds. They reveal what is imaged or conceived in the mind, but they are only a guide to the dynamic the words seek to reveal. All that they describe and reveal in awareness are guides to the dimension of consciousness which is the integration of the content of what the word seeks to describe. To speak of running is not the same thing as getting out of breath.

Words in the use of story is one means created by human beings to share their ever changing reality of experience of motion, and in joining universal vision with others. It creates a shared group dialogue of life reaching out for change and fulfillment in the sense of one’s self in its own existing, in the continuous moments of time in one’s short personal journey of the living experience, in the tick -tock of death and life that belong to all and everything. 

Using the mind as a tool to open the window of Alpha—zero, plus and minus, joined and separated in perception—help us align ourselves cosmically and provide us with a means to manage distortion and fixations in the actual substance that the creation of words seek to describe.