The Domination of Power, Old and New: Part 1

I had a vision: all the West was being nailed to the cross of belief. 

I watched a CNN documentary on the history of Israel. I haven’t assimilated it fully, but there is something about King Herod—the king of the Jews—and Jerusalem, around 47 B.C. The character and psychotic personality of King Herod matches that of an archetype in the social hierarchy that I would define as organic. It has manifested again and again throughout recorded history of the human social order of power. 

We don’t have kings, but we do live in a time of extreme wealth, with its leverage and domination in our society and political hierarchy.

Today, our current system of power is one without a traditional hierarchy, though some gather around individuals. Today’s tyrant lay in the power of ownership.

When ownership finds its way to this Herod-like personality, its character is one of ruthlessness, absent of empathy.

I don’t think this is so much a sickness as it is an aberration rising out of the genetic neural character combination. It is probably traceable back to the pre-human apes—an organic archetype.

Since human governance has no qualifying requirement, when in chaos or crisis, this archetype rises in regard to base-feelings of bringing control and order. 

This is psychically grabbed onto through neural patterning in the brains of the majority of the undeveloped, uninformed, and uneducated, in the neural/emotional signals of the behavioral matrix.

This leaves the community, as a whole, vulnerable to those who seek to dominate the behavior of others through force.

The masses then join in this stream of feeling with hate and violence, eliminating those who don’t conform to these unexamined, feeling-based beliefs.

I don’t know how to enlighten those who choose to let themselves be influenced and dominated by feelings of hate towards all others who are not like them.

The forces of anger and hate seem always to be an integral part of the human social character—cycling throughout the social order like a life-and-death rhythm. 

We are facing a condition of life support never before experienced on such a large scale, it’s unprecedented. The one expanding factor in its stimulation is overpopulation—density and the demand for resources exceeding what the Earth’s organic system can provide. 

This is another dimension of life on Earth—we are way out of balance, and are attempting to meet this holocaust with primal reaction.

There is another aspect to the story of the Jews—filling the common, undeveloped mind, with an illusion of ‘power behind the God-king‘, with promises of providing for everyone as a member of the tribal hierarchy. 

It may well be that the Herod complex is the means by which the human story ends on Earth—the end of the human epoch.