A Positive Dream and the Tribal Paradigm

Rather interesting, my early morning dream state. I dreamt that I was the lead competitor in a professional golf tournament. It morphed into President Joe Biden leading in the final 9 holes. 

It was a close score, but Joe was the winner! His win represented a change in world focus. Going from the angry judgment of others, and organic life itself, to the positive reach of life becoming the standard attitude.

It’s an entertaining image depicting what’s at the core of the republican platform which has redefined and transformed republicanism. The new republican is now about dogmatic judgment—hate and anger expressed. It’s about denying long held truths. It’s about ignorance—ignoring what is—and a universally applied negative judgment of all that is hopeful, beneficial, and of goodwill in ordinary expectations of life in North America. 

It’s the antithesis of what a good temperament might be—seeing the value of the whole as greater than its parts. The pathological haters that are growing into domestic terrorists, their disruption and destruction of shared rational dialogue and interactions. The analogy meets all requirements of a virus, but there is currently no vaccine to contain the growing hate and rage.

I wonder if this isn’t something of an organic pattern in the neural matrix of the species that rises up in angry rejection and rebellion in their void of knowledge, inclusion and understanding? 

To add to the chaos, there is the neglect of the psychic health of those who depend on others to get by, who experience abuse and violations of trust and disappointment in false expectation of respect for all. This needs to be a priority of the community over the exclusivity of wealth and power of narcissistic individual egos . Without the measure of responsible individuality—the care and wellbeing of themselves and others—who are we?

The spoiler being the overwhelming neglect, exploitation and abuse, in the illusion of exclusive self interest and power.

Answers do not come because, as of yet, we are still in a raw state of evolution—on the journey from primitive tribalism’s dominance. The conscious social order is in conflict with those who lack education, knowledge, understanding, and live in an embedded neural resentment in a pathology of themselves, unaware of the needs of others, and the integrated existence of all that works for the good of the collective social organism.

Excessive wealth becomes a cancer of the good. It creates a segregationist atmosphere—isolating the haves from the have nots. The have nots are now viewed as ‘the cause of the problem’, ‘the other’, therefore the haves must, at all cost, withhold essential resources of life solely for itself. In its blinded vision of the whole organism called the human species, the other members of the interdependent whole are now the enemy.

The whole is dependent for its existence on the organic health of all, as it becomes integrated in the totality of Life.