The Purpose of Mindfulness

Image by Tom Burgess from Pixabay

Dreaming of dreaming, watching the sense of coherence loosen as I realize the meaning of my humanness on the path of evolution in life.

I think the path takes on a new meaning after seeing how evolution’s journey flows and manifests through human evolving. 

We know of the expanding of matter and the cycle and sub-cycles of the character of matter’s existence in movement, energy and changing form.

Then we see the element of biologic life vs matter’s expanding existence.

This places humanity in a special place in the stream and dialogue of existing, and the element and character of “MIND”. 

In other words the capacity of Cosmos developing the abilities to see and engage its totality, I think this to be the “Cosmic EGO”, the Cosmic Self.

The evolution of the Human species into mindfulness is providing the means of creating mind through organic means.

One could speculate far and wide as to where, when, what stage of development it now stands, but we do not have access to the whole dimension of this organic process, nor of its influence beyond the capacities of the human species’ brain/mind development as it stands, or where it stands, on the evolutionary path.

Within the range of human cognition, we can gage awareness, knowledge and cognitive literacy just by observing the beginnings of animal cognition brought into manifestation in recent millennia, thus depending on initial evolution of a brain that took just one step beyond its ancestors in the beginnings of the capacity to “see” and observe oneself from a distance. This as a capacity of self reflection in early man—leading to a pathway of expanding itself through symbology, writing and literacy, that spread knowledge and awareness. Then into mind a dreaming, thinking, and on to mindfulness which is the current step of self awareness on this road of mind development. Essentially a capacity to observe oneself in the universe as a part of its existing. And how it all “works”, i.e. the Cosmic Mind.

The current step being “Mind”, essentially a capacity to see and observe itself in the Universe and how it all works.

This surely is the frontier of the hidden directive of Cosmos and its inclusive evolving into conscious awareness of itself and all and everything through the development of mind as a tool for observing. This is the “Mind”—brought into existence and being— through biological evolution.

I speculate this to be the purpose of the human species and biological evolution on EARTH. It may be in other places, but that is out of reach of knowing for now.

Conscious living is an awakening to the purpose of our existence and of organic existence. It is to create a “Mind” to guide Cosmic existence.

This all may be just a “feeling”, even an intuitive feeling, of how to come together after what was born out of an explosive expansion of separation and dissipation of what was once a unity of all. Could this be the creating of the forces of will and mindfulness in order to bring unity back into the chaos of time/space and putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again?