The Social Crunch, Us and Them

Within the community that I live in I’ve just learned that there is one resident and three staff members with the coronavirus—the character of its ambiguity changes constantly. I want to find out who the three staff members are.

Watching government respond—their management of resources, ability to organize and put systems in place in a coordinated effort to protect as many people as possible from being infected. And here we are. Governments response? How can we prosper individually from this?

So, on with it . . .

There is something about the top of the hierarchy having the ability to destroy concern for reality, the foundations that common, rational people trust and use in their sense of life. 

With the psychotics at the top of the hierarchy, it’s like discovering that reason suddenly has transformed to some other world. There is a loss of confidence in most everything one does. It is a distortion of confidence mixed up with what isn’t true, and there is no evidence to be found, only victims. Or worse, the evidence is available, but isn’t allowed into their feeling-minds. Not allowed for consideration because it is sourced from the other!

It’s difficult to accept that there are so many social psychopaths in the population and in positions of power.

For myself, I don’t find anything appealing or sensible about living in the world of political power—with its distortions and manipulations. It does seem to attract a certain neurotic egotism that is more about serving itself, and not about serving the people.

It makes me wonder if egotism isn’t the foundation of leadership. I know there exists other archetypes who’s egos loom large, but they can exist without engaging others to feed on for their source of power. I am troubled by what I am witness to here—power run amuck. What do they see as their purpose and responsibility in life?

The practical reality of our interdependence is clear. It is sacrifice, something one must commit to do in order to exist with the other.

It’s like ones daily tasks—the routines that are required, like it or not. The not-like factor of public participation is strong, as well as conflicted because the bigger the crowd gets, the more opportunity for distortions and misinformation. Those who are interested will rise up to fill the passive void by default, whether or not they are equipped to do so. 

Then those who rise to the cause have an ever expanding dimension of overwhelm and concern which is met by closing their awareness and connection to the others in order to meet their personal concern about themselves. One circle expands and the other closes in the public vs. private dialogue.

When the circle of self is closed due to both ignorance and egotism, the leader can escape into their pathological self image in exclusion. Then the collective is no longer in the dialogue, instead the leader is embracing narcissism. It seems to be an organic pathway to arcane tribal tyranny.

So much of this is guided by the neurological map from the primitive evolution of a cycle—from an ideal for all, to a tyranny of one.

This seems to be the natural organic cycle of the social body, the way it works.

Could it be that there is something embedded in our DNA, that some remember the fate of social ideals from the many previous times when the group played “follow the leader” into a “paradise” dream that ended in a nightmare of violence and hate in this social cycle of tyranny?

How long can goodness last in the hearts of a self indulgent community?

Where do we go from here? Please, do not disturb my individuality.

Is individuality possible in a collective existence?