The Solid Emptiness of Integrity

“The sense of itself is absent from the totality of reality.”

David Jackson

There are the tasks of daily living, and within our daily living there is an absence of belonging. We have a place in the present, but nowhere to go to get away from it.

Now place this psychic absence seed in the senses of some, and we get the anti-life-hate-and-rage generated in the neural expressions of the human animal.

This is well stated, but then there is the question of how to manage its chemistry in order to pacify it? What kind of treatment, stimulus, or process would neutralize the production of testosterone, cortisol, steroids? What is the chemical neutralizer and how can we get it to where it’s needed in a timely fashion? 

The whole of the presence and understanding of this neural structure is pretty well known. Science is on the cutting edge in its study of human behavior and what is given in the genetic structure of animal and human response mechanisms. But how to manage, integrate, and apply it in the social order is not up to speed with everything we’ve learned.

I was asked why I didn’t stand in the street and read my writing to passers by. My feelings about this was senseless emptiness in its reach into the core of the collective understanding—silly and pointless.

This left me with a helpless voice yelling in a void. The whole of knowledge penetration into the collective has a meaningless reach into the given genetic composition of the neural network of the human species. What could be the point and purpose of one’s singular voice of understanding when spoken in the massive chorus of the whole species? 

I don’t know. The only thing I know is that true knowledge seems to accumulate over time—slowly filling in the emptiness of human consciousness, but never enough to change the given core of its neural character. It penetrates into only a few in the species—a very small percentage understand it, and fewer still are able to integrate and adopt it into fundamental change or to evolve with it. 

And yet, there is something fundamental about truth and its gradual growth, penetration and awareness throughout the universe. It is as though truth is a kind of vitamin of life in the universe. It works over time. 

Our only choice is to continue reaching and speaking, then waiting for it to show itself to those with minds that know how to listen.