Too Immense,Too Small for Comprehension

Boom! Boom!

So what’s to celebrate?

When I look at us humans, feeding and breeding, I don’t see a victory for rational living, as I said before. But I ask the question: “What did you expect?” and “What do you expect now?”

There’s something of a realization of the value of belief, in compensating for a mismatch of the capacity in general human populations to be rational. What are we to expect? We cannot expect functioning mind resources from those who don’t understand them or don’t have them available.

I struggled to finish watching  a PBS NOVA documentary about Black Holes and its history, nature, and current scientific knowledge.  It is daunting, yet, fascinating to think about something so vast, so dynamic, and so distant from rational comprehension.

We are standing inside the “zone” of the human mind and brain. Black Holes are so distant and immense in every form of existence, that we humans become tiny invisible particles of protein matter to anything comparable in the difference of each. As far as we know it is only humans that can see, witness and measure. For us to be able to do this is an amazing puzzle of awareness and consciousness that we use to witness a black hole. A black hole cannot witness us. It appears that in the totality of the cosmos it is only human beings that can do this. This conclusion may only appear so because we cannot comprehend the “mind” of Cosmos.

Are life forms generated, formed, created in order to enable consciousness?

Are we humans the only ones here to bring consciousness into life? Is consciousness the life path to living life in awareness?

In the organic biology of life, the living consciousness is the only means of seeing, relating, sharing, integrating, the immensity of space and time.

If this is the character of organic life, actually the goal of existence of life in being aware of a “self”, does the other even matter? Ha! Ha!

The incomprehensible infinite reach of space and time has no reflection beyond itself. Or, is a “self” an invention to join with an identity?

Perhaps beyond a self there is no identity. The “self” then is organic vs the dynamic of matter i.e., physics, chemistry and physical interactive material relationships.

Organic life is capable of reflection—giving it choice, where as matter has only circumstance, it hasn’t choice.

So why does this difference arise? What is the character of the nature of the cosmos from the macro to the micro, from vast distance of space, time and energy, down to our organic world?

There is a certain awareness that doesn’t exist in matter alone i.e., consciousness. And yet, this is dismissed into a tiny pea in an unimaginable dimension of space, time and matter.

No wonder some thinking humans, before consciousness, created “gods”. They were to fill the emptiness of the existence of matter and human consciousness in what remains a cosmic puzzle and the puzzle of evolutionary creation of thinking human beings.