War, Guns, and the Madness of Feeling-Based Conclusions

I am thinking of an image of Vladimir Putin, a social psychopath with an army of guns. The pathology of embracing guns of death to wipe out human life for your own benefit. Madness!!

The picture is irrational in that there are primitive neural patterns of behavior and response in the human species that will never be fixed or removed. Might they be managed?

The problem which remains after they are brought under control or gone is the reliance on social bonding that is damaged and the foundations of trust and cooperation are nowhere to be found.

There is a need to manage the collective life of the whole species in a uniformity of respect to each other and Nature. This is obvious in the current crisis of climate survival, food production and distribution, energy supply, and population control—in the need to have global co-operation and awareness. It seems impossible to unify in this framework.

A bit of a dilemma, having to manage the given biological patterns of reaction-and-response on the one hand, with all that jeopardizes survival of life on earth on the other. Is it unreasonable to consider requirements within society to impose ground rules (laws) that would force individuals to comply in certain ways for the survival of our species, to be forced if necessary? 

For humans in general there is the limitation of capacity and knowledge that need to be developed. A training where one would learn how to live in a conscious and collective manner, while also managing the embedded neurological compulsions?

In a distorted sense Putin’s murderous directives and the people of Ukraine in response—the tools of war and the death of thousands—reduces the population a bit, but does not bring to the world what is needed to function co-operatively in a rational integration of behavior as a response to what Nature is demanding and needing from all of us in order to sustain balance within Nature’s Laws. 

In fact it may bring nuclear death to all life on Earth.

The bigger picture of survival of life on planet Earth is not understood by far too many living in an angry, myopic experience of pain and difficulty in the daily task of survival. Because of this the “Island of Survival” cannot be reached.

The madness of slaughtering the enemy, could this be nothing less than suicide?