Why Not Do It While Living?

“Dream Thinking”

Not a clue!

Thinking about the emptiness of my dead body and how that affects my sense of meaning and purpose of it all, life itself. It isn’t clear. It’s something like an “empty” question.  

I sense it to be a question that has to be asked and one where there is no answer beforehand.

The question is about what I leave behind after I die. There are many things that I can think of that might be important such as how one responds to life’s challenges while living. It becomes something positive, negative, imaginative or nothing other than reaction without thought. And what of anger, violence, killing, war, punishment, madness? Can’t we leave more of our past behavior “behind” or perhaps better said, help to humanize the human species?

Doesn’t it make more sense to embrace the desire of the human “spirit”—to elevate one’s character above its raw animal nature into a more conscious harmony, a more universal and viable life form?

These are not questions to be answered, but to release the thoughts and images regarding the purpose of the life of our kind—if the human species is to continue living and evolving on Earth in the Solar life of the Sun.

This is a biological urging that having gripped the heart of a few souls, could lead the way to a place in the near future where the species becomes more aligned with nature’s essence in a living awareness of its dependence and bonding with biological life. It is an understanding of the necessity of a kind of harmonious resonance requiring care, development, generosity, restraint, kindness and objective understanding of giving ourselves to the necessity of each individual’s evolutionary development, awareness and meaning. (Meaning as that which achieves development of others.)

This seems to be all too nice and airy-fairy, but one need only to observe the nature of some of the pathological patterns of human behavior to realize just how much could be achieved by providing well trained, well paid, and humanized people with abundant resources and support to provide, prevent, and protect society from destructive behavior, as opposed to the isolation and neglect of pathological children and adults who live among us. Allowing them to impact society in denial and ignorance in an unprotected public. All this requires an awakening from idealistic dreaming and false love and kindness. We need to move into realistic attention, therapy, protection, development control and to restrict the genetic propagation. If I could be part of the contribution to something like this I could “feel” I had done something meaningful on my deathbed—if I had contributed to the awareness, its diagnosis, prevention and elimination. I would prefer this as opposed to living ‘forever’ in a fantasy of some future place without a body.

There is so much more that a conscious person could do while living that would be more meaningful and gratifying—having contributed to a healthier future evolution of all humankind. This would bring more contentment into ones death than believing in the fantasy of “Heaven”.