Claim the space, claim the land by force if necessary. Own it, control it. Endowed with “God’s” intention and sanction.
Male power: strong, rough, tough, emotional muscle, rage and force.
“It’s mine” or “Ours first”, then yours and theirs. Defend mine, and then defend yours. Defend the group, the tribe, the gang, the town, the country!
Taking stock of the current pig trough in which they feed . . . Corporations and the age old system of monopolizing what belongs to All.
Sanctioned: pay-to-play legislation from our elected officials—heroin addicts in charge of the pharmacy. “But it’s legal, so I’ve done nothing wrong.”
Then the rest of us, the vast majority of human beings on planet Earth. The “other world” of those who are entwined in dependence or conscription. Like a soldier or slave assigned to protect and serve the monopoly of power. Under order (but only if you want to keep what little you have) to apply force to protect, defend, suppress, or kill as the owners demand, in the name of unity and identity—forcing the dependent and conscripted into compliance to do the dirty work. The powerful and corrupt, their hands washed clean.
All of this becomes the aggressive and volatile mess of civilizations warring life cycle in self indulgence, dominance and exclusion of goodwill and good sense. At its core lies the stomach of feelings removed from the mind and soul of individuality. Lost in the momentary life raft of success. Then familiarity becomes unglued in what is interpreted from next door—what is not common in one’s own place of identification, in an ignorance of self, lost in its own making—the trap of Identity.
But the community crowd multiplies, the neighbor’s exposure in what was once singular and local, has become “the other, not like me/us” into something that survival demands.
The death of me, the self awareness of individuality, is consumed by the survival of “we”.