An Introduction to the Bio-Maze of Life

It is a blessing to be writing and what comes to mind is that there is an impossible population choice humanity is facing. This might be what I have been looking at as a focus and frame of connecting with you in these publications. This is not yet settled.

First and foremost, we humans face a survival dilemma that is impossible to solve or engage because it involves making life and death choices for others and for others to make life and death choices for me, us, you.

The core questions are: What are the foundations for choosing the individual’s right to life? And how is that to remain rational and objective in the interactive political, planetary sphere of group life?

I’m not answering these questions, I am seeking to discuss two things: What is the biological nature of the reality of human, both animal and matter? How does it need to interact and function?

I am inquiring, researching, seeking, thinking from all perspectives, all aspects and dimensions, of the human rational knowledge base and experience that I am able. This includes reading of the research, history, rational theory, measured and verified scientific studies of neural behavior, scanning the data and evidence and conscious speculation. I will note when questions, speculations and answers have come to a boundary of the known, and keep separate the speculative understanding, the difference between informed and uninformed opinion, especially between belief-based reality and knowledge-based reality.

Some of the other impossible, but essential questions are: How do we apply what we learn and know?  How do we apply it and maintain rational and objective integrity in the context of its general social functioning?  And the question, What is a rational motive?

It may be that this frame of concept is irrational, simply because it cannot arise functionally out of humanity’s current limited capacity and level of mental development in its present state of evolution. The needed level of clean objectivity does not yet exist in the capacity of the collective mind of our species.

Perhaps there are other ways, means and images we can and will use to create for the purpose of becoming more multidimensional, accurately informed and then to better understand what is needed for our collective survival and to meet our continuous demands on the resources of Earth and Mother Nature, even though our salvation may be out of our reach.

So perhaps this whole project should be seen as an impossible myth, a task where learning, studying, reading and understanding will not change our fate, so what? I still find the theme and the subjects a matter of profound interest, a kind of magical awakening to the integration of the subject matter called Life.

It is also alarming, frightening, if one can’t get out of their own ego, but it is also fascinating to view it with distance from self importance. If you don’t like horror stories, the reality of naked revelations, you should probably not take part. But if you, like me, are compelled to discover truth, especially when it destroys my illusions of self-importance, let us stumble onwards..

I’m feeling rightful in sharing these insights from my mirror of truth. It’s there for your reflections, too. Perhaps together we can survive?  So, let’s get on with it. All is subject to change all the time. Even Truth itself can change.