Neural Swimming in the Past

Wombman said, “Hey, angry man…Pull up your Genes!”

A thought about anger and guns as a pacifier.

Certain males swim in a neural past where a gun gives them a sense of control and power. It generates a kind of force in the closed space of physical reality. Should they have to encounter what they fear, which is itself ambiguous and not definable, that is only sensed? This is the targeting of, and a searching for, the source and threat they can’t see, but that they feel and are certain is there.

This paranoid psychological setup is then present in the environment in which they live as a posture of being alert and ready to attack whatever they feel needs to be destroyed. They have little or no awareness of this process in and of their behavior, and feel no need to examine it.

What makes this dangerous is their continual living in this condition of fantasy, feeling, and believing it is real.

The vulnerability to themselves and innocent others is they can and do react to some arbitrary happenstance that is misinterpreted and accompanied with immediate thoughtless reaction. It most often has nothing to do with an actual attack, though criticism can make them feel like they are being attacked. Then an arbitrary incident ignites the explosion of reaction and rage.

This pathology of feelings might well be triggered in the sensory system as a natural polarity of the neural response function in an imaging of a threat. It is probably derived from the past hunter-gatherer lifestyle…targeting the kill and having to out-smart and reflect on the prey’s capacity and intent. But also focusing on how the prey might be sizing up the hunter…the smart way of bringing wholistic awareness into the task of killing.

Know it or not, we continue to live in a polarized reality as well as a largely random one. Reversing roles is what a good hunter does so that he can better understand the behavior of his prey, being more able to provide for, or protect himself.

Now suppose the angry man is a reflection of a hereditary syndrome, anchored in the neural matrix transmitted via his inherited DNA, and thus creating the past response generated in the present where the hunting is no longer needed. In the context of the modern hunter it continues to carry the neural pattern into a non-hunting present. Manwhile, he is unaware of the sources of these forces that are driving his feeling based emotional images and concepts of reality.  

While actually hunting dangerous animals and/or fighting dangerous enemies, you are very wise if you can learn as much as you can about their behavior in order to both predict where and when they are vulnerable, but also not to be unexpectedly surprised by their survival responses where one could himself die in return.

In what seems to be a condition of anger, but is actually related to a neural construct, a response tool of the past circumstance of life, embedded in the present neural matrix as a given pattern of behavior in the human species in general. This has been socialized in the modern context of life.

This may well be what stands beneath individual awareness in the neural complex of both the warrior consciousness and the hunter consciousness inherited from the past. What was once useful and ordinary, in early animal and human evolution for hundreds of thousands of years, becomes dangerous and pathological in the present.

This means it is a genetic neural characteristic of Wombman and the animal behavior that served each species in their time of living.

Our problem, the Wombman problem, is not something we are generally aware of collectively. The socializing and civilizing structures that manage and channels these animal impulses are unaware and unable to use this kind of knowledge, of the character and content of the males of the species so as to realign and function in alignment with, the present evolutionary conditions of life and to guide personal and collective behavior consciously.

The neural characteristics are what give, provide, activate, Wombman’s behavior in the present, echoed in times past until they create awareness of what was and is an objective view of behaviorism. It is presently providing insight into the chaos, confusion, and violence we have witnessed along the path of Wombman history, in the construct of cultures and individuals generally, unconsciously guiding themselves by these blind inner impulses. It might mean our survival if we would or could meet, learn, and know the character and source of those arcane feelings that misguide our species.

The only alternative is to figure out how to level out or neutralize these blinding forces and urges of primitive anger and fear. What if we manipulated “Killer Joe’s” neural mechanism so that it wouldn’t produce so much cortisol? What if it created a slight pause before acting in a reactive way?

Where is the common sense in a primitive and angry wombo-sapien having the ‘Right to Own’ a gun? How about weapons of mass destruction?  Poison? It seems a bit out there given this insight on the reactive neural response matrix.

We’d be better off getting a grip on the genes rather than the gun.