Evolution’s Hair

The breeder’s take in erection’s size Determined to breed himself first prize Into future’s physical kind Regardless of the smarter mind. Glory and glamor complex Dance in the toilet of ego reflections   With the forces of sex Hiding truth in passion’s selections In the reality of human’s nature kind In its primal thrust  That continues … Read more

Last Days

It is impossible to see just how the collective could guide the whole of humanity to live life in balance—and this leaves my soul on “empty”.  I don’t want to do life any more. It’s not that I don’t like life, what life is in its positive aspects and its adventure, it’s just that I … Read more

Visions of Life Are Created in 8 Billion Families

Some things from the sacred night: “Alpha male narcissism is knowing what is right regardless of knowledge.” “Alpha male is absent of empathy which equals cruelty.” “You can watch his pursed lips when he is being defensive and aggressive. This is when he is pumping cortisol and testosterone in his neural system.”  “For this archetype, … Read more

The Global Institute of Neural Sociology

I am seeking to plant a seed . . . Creating a neural nucleus that will acquire and describe knowledge, insight, and means of applying— in practice and skill—the collective neural awareness of self and collective consciousness of behavior that acquires and accumulates in a growth of awareness that works to enhance all life integrated … Read more

The Reality of Label and Content

I am thinking about labels and its content, their actual expression, application, and implementation. They are both reasonable, logical in existing. Labels being a dream or map of where to go—its reality, what to do with it, what to bring with you in directing the self to reach out from the present no matter what its … Read more

Neural Deceptions of Power

There is this thing about revelation and death. I sense that it is an opening of the neural world by the release of what one holds onto in living, and then letting go of it in such a way that the shades come up and the windows open in a gesture of release—while living into … Read more

The Balance of Eating and Dying

I know what the equation is for living and dying. It could all be said in the word “balance”. Living in balanced eating, breeding and killing. We avoid—or better said—deny our understanding that life, all life, is sustained by eating that which is living. I don’t make an exception between plants and animals because the … Read more

Rational Governing Without Narcissism

The Last shall be First. Having a hard time this morning. I’m chilly and kind of discombobulated—lost, sort of in buoyant time and space—a finding of space where one is unfamiliar, doesn’t belong or have a knowing as to what to do next.  I saw clearly what narcissists do in their conceiving. The first thing … Read more

Octopus as a Self Aware Organism

I saw and interpreted a neural development of self awareness in the octopus from watching a Nova documentary with the capacity of basic reflecting on itself in its environment like humans. Its neural matrix is its whole body because it has no skeleton. On the ocean floor it wraps itself around all of life in … Read more

Knowing The Principles of Knowing

My miniscule molecule of one human brain that can know of 8 billion others is very provocative. It reaches into the quantum of all— in a grand and infinite relationship—so that if I know something of the principles of a phenomenon, I might just be conscious of what “It” is. In other words I can … Read more