Discovering Toni Morrison

What’s on my mind today? Toni Morrison, who writes with space between words and lines. Then she can fill in what she writes with what comes in the later read. Only it is more significant when copying to the computer in the first edit. Otherwise, one rips through a lot of paper. It seems to be natural now that I have started.

The thing I felt was how she listens—tunes in to what she is writing. 

Mind you, I haven’t read anything yet. I will look her up on Amazon —“The Bluest Eye”, “Song of Solomon” and “Beloved”. I will order the “Black Book” later.

Her quote, “The purpose of art is to embrace uncertainty.” (it may not come from her)

What I am feeling is that we are joined by the same connecting thread to that inner voice—the truth of self including the honesty of doubt in inner vision— in the quest of integrity in meaning. 

She made the judgment that “white” is a pathology that hasn’t been looked into by the white culture. There was something about being “estranged” from the human spirit. She also suggested that “whites” cannot survive much longer without clearing their arrogance and hate for those not like themselves. 

It is an affirmation of what I’ve felt and seen about “distance” living, separated from each other so as not to have the engagement necessary for assimilation—segregation.

In essence she reveals the inner world of black America, a world that most of white America hasn’t yet seen—nor wanted to see or acknowledge.

The whole demonization and dehumanization of blacks was to enable whites in exploiting them as slaves or work animals, without seeing their humanity. They were (are) used to labor in the creation of the banquet of life, but were (are) refused a seat at that table. This is the neurotic pathology of white egotism.

But, back to “her” . . . It will be very interesting for me to see if she is the Queen of neurological and psychological truth and integrity.

She holds the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Her writing feels like it is authentic, original, and in touch with the integrity of human insight. We will see. Welcome Sister.