Impartial Vision In Earth Life Crisis

I am treading water knowing / feeling there is an epic change, a kind of slow, awesome, flowing into Global chaos. I think of myself as someone who is observant of life, principles most people do not see. I’m curious, interested and I want to see and know. I don’t feel exclusive because I can see a lot of it without myself in the way, detached, interested, objective, and in some ways curious and fascinated with its pathologies.

I don’t see myself as pessimistic, more so realistic because I don’t see it to be about humans other than their presence and their behavior as just another species that is driven to respond and behave according to nature’s laws.

My separation from ‘humanism’ grows from one primary blessing.

Five developments of my own, i.e. ‘wealth’ sufficiency, emotional detachment, objective observation, scientific approach, and an understanding of basic organic principles of what ‘is’ vs what isn’t traditional thinking. In essence, a kind of objective distance from desire and authority combined.

Traditional and organic authority currently holding the powers of control in a false, ignorant, and primal neural compulsion that seeks to manage the business of a primal collective behavior in a conceptual deception and distortion of self importance.

The content of the generality of the species is unable to care for itself and / or guide itself rationally, from a feeling based governance, by those who can and do mismanage it at this lower animal level of themselves and the general condition of consciousness and awareness. In other words, from a non viable primitive leadership that is in harmony with the majority’s primal consciousness.

It would be interesting to see what percentage of the general populations of the earth are enlightened and rational vs the alternative?

So, what is rational being?

Not an obvious nor easy question, but it has to do with how “caught up” one is in the social order.

Something like being more of a living verb than just a feeding noun.

The self is participating from a place of choice, rather than from cultural training and habit. Materially, emotionally, rationally to take in information and integrate and use in application. This is a movement in a liberation of self identification to self acknowledgment. In essence, seeing one’s human self without cultural or authoritarian labels. What I am is what I have learned about myself by separating enough from unconscious primal behavior and cultural labeling to self identification.

This gives me access and skill to be more objective about who and what I am as a human animal, as well as to better separate myself from feeling and belief based concepts that hide and disguise rational reality.

This is beyond primitive reaction and moves response and behavior into a more rational interaction liberated from primitive conceptualizations.

How many of us are presently understanding of this? How rapidly is this living Reality displacing the conceptual inertia from the past? How many are seeking to organize government and function in a new confrontation of explosive population growth, crossing paths of past inertia, distortions, concepts and beliefs, capable of meeting in a biological accommodation of interactive survival behavior?

This is a life and death struggle for survival in a runaway growth of the human species. This is generally described as an ‘out of control’ organic cancer.

It is a pathology because the species cannot respond appropriately from an unconscious primal instinct that is unable to alter human behavior. Our kind is confronted with its continuing existence.

Meanwhile, the bulk of humanity is responding reactively from primitive impulses when it desperately needs to respond with reflection to allow a moment of time and space for rational response.

Responding rather than reacting to providing for all birth regulation and control for the health and well being of all.

What authority do you know that is capable of managing this kind of reactive crisis? Especially when society at large, and its leaders, are not capable of comprehending the dimensions, nor do they have the knowledge and realization they are in a life and death struggle for the survival of the human species that is now out of range of harmonious function with Nature?

I am viewing all this as a witness.