Jury Duty

No ideas yet this morning. I’m following my age in the sense of what I would describe as, “I don’t want to be doing this anymore!”

The awakening in the morning is getting to be a chore that I can only meet with increasing my will and following my routine. But, now that I am awake, I just have to be with this writing. I don’t want to think of it as a struggle, but it is. And at the same time writing is a life preserver.  

“I want to be on the jury of DT’s criminal trial.”, I announced.

“Me too.” someone replied.

“Are you qualified?”, another asked.

“Yes.” I stated, “I’m fair and equal.”

I laughed and went on, “ Besides, I’m open minded, objective and informed.”

“You mean you feel you are justified in your passion and believe you are objective about your conviction that he is Guilty?”, she said.

“Yes I’m quite certain the he is guilty. He has violated both the law and the integrity of rational truth.” I responded.

“What are you going to say to the trial lawyer when they ask you if you know, have seen or listened to, anything that might influence your decision?” She asked.

“That’s a tough one, and contradictory, because it is proven, documented fact that is the basis of deciding, and if one isn’t informed of this, they are unable to make just decisions.” I replied.

I continued, “Perhaps we should hold a national lottery and those who are winners have to be accepted as they are? That might give you the opportunity also?”

“So, he is guilty before he is tried.” She stated.

“That seems to be the case if any informed rational objective person has been keeping themselves informed and aware of both the schmooze, the deception and lies, that have already been verified. Should people at this level of consciousness be kept off the jury?”, I asked.

“No. So, what do you think his sentence should be?”, she asked.

“He should be given a lobotomy, placed in silent solitary confinement, be fed cornbread and beans, oatmeal without sweetener, and no mirrors, to be repeated every other 3 month period for the next ten years.” I replied.

“That’s bitter.” she joked.

“Yes, it is.” I replied, “But, I’m only kidding.”

He continued, “When he is found guilty it will be because of his bipolar mental disorder. His lawyer will plead insanity and he will be legally institutionalized.

His mental disorder makes him incapable of feeling remorse or guilt, he is unable to understand his crimes. He should be removed from society and locked up. All his rights and privileges removed. Himself, as well as his complicit relatives, should be denied access to all ownership, possession and control of his wealth. It should be confiscated and returned to those he ripped off and distributed to charity.

His genetic chain should be broken by disabling his heirs from future propagation by sterilization of all his offspring, known and unknown. This will ‘cleanse’ the future human gene pool from this deformity and from presence in future human heritage. This will prevent future individuals from breeding his kind of deformity in future generations. It will protect humanity from having to suffer his kind of bipolar mental pathology.”   

“Wow!”, she exclaimed, “That’s spooky.”

“Will the foreman of the jury please stand.” ordered the judge. “Has the jury reached a decision?”

“Yes, your honor.” replied the jury foreman.

“Will you please read it to the court.”

“Yes, your honor. “We the jury, after careful deliberation of all the facts and accusations, have found the defendant to be, ………on all counts.”, stated the jury foreman.

He continued. “We recommend there be no leniency for the following reasons. The defendant is without rational capacity, compassion, conscience or empathy, and feels no guilt or remorse whatsoever about what he has done.