Primal Possession

We are captured in the nutty shell of our ego.

I want to continue on the problem of managing the social order for care and maintenance purposes like health, education or anything else. I want to include the character of the feelings in how the dynamic of how wages, salaries and profits are determined and set. This continues to be at the core of the whole of civilizations task and dilemma about the distribution of the kill (wealth). It is certainly a reflection on the evolutionary history of the character, nature, and use of power throughout the collective social organisms of the past. It is overwhelming, actually. I don’t quite know where to start, so I’ll go back to pre civilization, a more primal circumstance and condition, when population dynamic was contained in groups of about 35 men women and children.

In early tribal families the dominant male hunter “owned” the kill. They took priority and control over everything. “He” is first to feed and he is driven to hunt and eat in order to maintain his strength and power. This isn’t just physical need, a hunter had to have savvy, intelligence, and awareness in order to be successful. His success was measured and reinforced by those who followed him…his ability to find available food sources, his ability to protect and defend. The survival of the tribe depended on his skills.

There are variations in the animal kingdom where other animals are grazers and don’t kill for food. There is no need for the quarrel and competition, but carnivorous animals, groups and packs especially, follow the dominant hunter, killer, provider and grant “Him” exception, access, and a place at the head of the pack. This defines a pack leader.

Lions are a variation on this in some sense because it is the females that hunt.  But, even then the dominant male is first to eat, dominating and controlling the distribution of the kill.

This doesn’t ‘change’ the basic principle. The whole ‘pride’, a word of interest in itself, feels hunger and by the time the hunting process succeeds in killing prey, they are ravenous in their appetite.

Now, the male eats first, the best choice. He often has to fight back those who shared in the kill. “He” may take his time, relish his meal, even tease his mates, while the others have to hold back their desire for food.

This is wealth, provision, sustenance and feeding. This is the right of the one who ‘owns’ the kill. The rest must wait, “be” second and manipulate for shares. This then moves on down the list of who might be the next to eat, i.e. the mother, grandmother, sister, brother, daughter. It is a choice often made according to seniority or age. It generates a hierarchy of access to define the ‘place’ each individual holds in the pride.

This is a common base of arrangement of the forces that drive the behavior of feeding matrix throughout social structures in the animal kingdom. I use social structures to describe the power, the control, and the access that unifies, holding the tribe together in an interdependence that continues to enable them to survive.

Humans use these reactive principles to live their lives, using a very different response to manifest what we call the “social order”, i.e. the principle of living together in order to provide for all.

To objectify the knowledge and understanding of our animal past that we need in order to remodel the matrix of providing for the “basic” needs of each and every individual in the community and globally. The food source demand now reaches into the totality of Earth environment, its range and limitations as the source of basic provision.

The problems are generated from arcane structures that have not evolved to meet the demands and needs of modern population levels. To provide acknowledgement of this essential biological drive of each individual, to have and secure what is needed for one’s well being relative to one’s capacity and power to provide for themselves. This is the fulcrum of human life on earth.

We continue to use “owners” privilege throughout the collective hierarchy in a top down paradigm where we create and meet the problems of life that seek to exclude the problem of life without wages, life without the power to provide for oneself.

Power means having skills, talent, and application that serve these interests.

Then, add into this matrix the varying differences of DNA characteristics of the individual’s neural matrix, inherited from the chain of one’s ancestry that drives and manifests in individual behavior, and one can begin to better understand the social “problem” in the collective and individual dilemma of the social life of the human species.   

The change in the quantum dimensions in which these living dynamics play out from family to tribe, to nation, to a world community of 7.6 billion individuals and growing…we find ourselves completely overwhelmed in reactive circumstances, i.e. KICAq, unaware, unknown and misunderstood, by most of humanity’s testosterone driven, ego centered, leadership.

Think of the character and force of the word “Mine”. Then think of the power of the word “Ours” and we begin to sense just how difficult, if not impossible, it is to find an unbiased rational basis of decision making and functioning in the social order. Humanity has a lot to learn, and do, if it is to survive. I don’t think we sense the danger we are in, as we struggle to fix things out of primitive feelings and impulses.