Talk about Psychological torture! I’m becoming a scam expert. First on the telephone live, then on messages.
“You Won!”, it tells me. All I have to do is pay $1 for shipping! You owe $1—put it on your credit card. So I give them my card numbers and information. The next thing I know I have a $1400 charge on my credit card.”
I’m wondering if the phone companies could check the legitimacy of their customers who are doing these unethical scams and post alerts and descriptions of the scammers—calling them out publicly like sex offenders—posting names, websites and phone numbers.
Have the FBI investigate and arrest scammers . . . the FBI Internet and Telephone Fraud Squad (FITFS). Do this as part of your duty to protect the trust of our economic system and its processes.
To begin with, the sky IS falling! It’s a radical crisis in the destruction of trust. So many dimensions. Something more general than fractures in the daily experience. There is nothing coherent to predict in the individual behavior when trust breaks down everywhere and shifts from broken trust to irrational fantasies boiling out of fears hysteria. The use of rational thinking turns to feelings of how to destroy that which violates trust.
I think the foundation of means in life support is the most toxic of all. It is closest to one’s sense of security and control all around. When this is violated the core of one’s life is broken. The traumatic impact is to scatter reason and positivity into fear, doubt and the actuality of deprivation and danger. To be stranded, cold, hungry, empty, with nowhere to go!
Then to have your panicked family and friends screaming at you in blame.
How does one cope with this when reason is lost in hysteria?
I can understand and accept the animal reactions of people to such a condition. Then the total range of human disturbed temperaments implode in social disaster.
How do we deal with this induced hysteria individually, collectively, socially and globally? I don’t think this is going to go away and I don’t know how to bring it back into balance beyond myself? It seems it is without end, other than everyone’s complete exhaustion in a collective circumstance of self destruction. “But there ain’t nowhere to hide!”