The Thread of Meaning

Two poems: The Afterglow Concept’s Sandwich So I guess this is my full moon gift, the thread of alignment with meanings flow, grateful, magnificent in good and bad. I am just one small container that is full and overflowing with the whole cosmos yet to go. I want to speak of the ‘thread’ that connects … Read more

Concept’s Sandwich

Blinded in belief’s righteous judgment Your God turns into Love’s rejection. And, how is this supposed to bring peace to all? Or, are you hiding under your blanket Wanting us all to leave you alone in isolation’s embrace? If you don’t know what love is, I can tell you. Want to hear? Want to know? … Read more

The Afterglow

Interesting morning after Sunday Football. Full moon peeking at me Through the dark morning clouds. Camera won’t remember To hold its depths Peeking through its hiding Looking at me, looking at you, looking at us Veiled in the dark covered night “Wait, wait, I’ll bring something new.” it said. “Listen, listen and Hear me reaching, … Read more

Polarity, Cause and Effect in Protesting

“A bit of pain every day, keeps arrogance away.” David Jackson We are here. Yesterday was a bomb of contrast. Full moon eclipse! Writing flow is free, words coming through. Lost a file. Worked hours trying to recover it rather than the 1/2 hour it would have taken to redo it. Crazy. Sensing that I … Read more


More than likely: This is close to being my last journal. I can’t say enough about how writing has saved my sanity, my understandings of what “Life” is all about, what my mind grew to know and to better understand. Writing has enhanced my focus of conscious awareness, giving new meaning and purpose to my … Read more

How to Set a Course in a Dilemma

Why don’t leaders know where to go? Why are they lost in life? The top looks down, the down looks up And what is seen is need Upside down. And the story unfolds From inside out And outside in. What guides the emptiness Perhaps time is both When inside is out? Backwards and forwards And … Read more

Blinded in The Light of Myself

Blinded in The Light of Myself Oh, take me to the place of self importance In the embrace of gratification Where I become the center of Divinity’s meaning Take from me the burdens Of struggle and pain So I can sing forever In the happy rain Let me exist beyond The effort of knowing The … Read more

Can I Escape from Meaning?

Welcome 2019! Don’t get fictional. I have a sense that this is the end for me, and for us. But, because I am 100 years early, it will be 2119 when the sky falls for the other. So, what do I say to a child? Where does the soul go in the middle of the … Read more

Biological Acknowledgement vs Ego Labels as Identity

“Most human beings are looking for confirmation, not information.” David Jackson Some seek knowledge for its own sake, while others seek it with one goal in mind…to be acknowledged. It’s like petting a cat. The character of it is a given in the core of self, the need of belonging in the family, group, tribe, … Read more

The Quantum Question of Existence

Finally a challenge I don’t think I can meet. I can’t even remember what quantum theory is, other than an essentially spaceless, timeless, connecting of all and everything in the universe called particle theory. The image is that there is a kind of nuclear dust that has no form but when one, or something, seeks … Read more