The Sinking Ship of Fools

I am on a sinking “Ship of Fools”  Gas tank is empty,  The sail in shreds, The rudder lost in the deep sea, No Life boats  To save you or me. The deck is crowded with gasping passengers Escaping the poverty and disease below,  Everyone needing clean air, The food is rotting  The water is … Read more

Primal Roots and Ignorance in the Grip of Power

It’s rather shocking listening to a narcissist-tyrant ranting on the skillful use of emotional words, words he uses to twist and stimulate feeling-based convictions from ignorant-others, when he himself doesn’t care about them, except as ego-proxies, rousing their anger. When I speak and write, the goal is to use words to bring understanding and meaning … Read more

Concept vs Consciousness and Reality

Deep rising. I’m feeling like my consciousness is coming apart. The coherence of reality doesn’t exist—the dreams that have inadequately filled the emptiness are dissolving in a reality of incoherence . . . POTUS has stated that if you test for covid, the number of deaths will rise, but if you don’t test, then they … Read more

Polarity In Life Motion

There’s an atmosphere of loose ends—no place to put things, things don’t fit together, a bad place to fill with meaning and good. Some are raging at what they feel to be ‘needing something to blame and attack’ to focus their hate. I can’t account for hate, but once it is there it won’t be … Read more

Losing Trust In Human’s Living

Something in my senses has lost the trust in what is going on in the totality of human life on earth. It is all incoherent, chaotic and collapsing. Life seems to have lost its fundamental survival impulse. I sense that the fulcrum of social power has abstracted itself from the fundamentals of basic life and … Read more

Primal Circumstance Evokes Primal Reactions

There seems to be no coherence left in the current habit-patterns of normal life.  I was thinking about the hard work of going on vacation. The easiest vacation is to stay up-to-date at home.  But the thing is, the manifestations of chaos are just beginning to take over daily life. We are in a ‘stay at … Read more

Nightmares: Then and Now

What is different today from the 1929 economic crash that birthed the Great Depression, or the Dust bowl that brought devastating hardship to the midwest of America from 1931-1939? These past events have much to say about major changes in human life, including World War I, the passing of the 19th Amendment giving women the … Read more

Open or Closed: Knowledge or Belief?

 Avoiding knowledge, facts, and hundreds of years of science, is one way to live. If you do choose to live that way you certainly have everything you need to avoid anxiety of the real, and most importantly, what you feel/believe won’t have to compete with those annoying facts. “If I don’t have knowledge of it, … Read more

Humpty Trumpty

Humpty Trumpty, the president of all He and his cronies, atop his Mexican Wall Then along came a virus Instigating the fall  Someone blew his nose And it all came down The money market, economy And ‘His’ phony crown Big and small Rational reason foundered in human greed None could consider how to provide what … Read more