The Neural Character of Tribalism Comes Home to Roost

Claim the space, claim the land by force if necessary. Own it, control it. Endowed with “God’s” intention and sanction. Male power: strong, rough, tough, emotional muscle, rage and force. “It’s mine” or “Ours first”, then yours and theirs. Defend mine, and then defend yours. Defend the group, the tribe, the gang, the town, the … Read more

Beyond Hot

According to Scientific American July 2023 is the hottest month ever recorded on Earth. I am wondering how many people will be outside in the heat? The heat storm is a threat to humanity in particular, and to biology overall. The crisis is also a threat to all human systems of social organization and order. … Read more

Slow or Fast Calendar

Looking at Sudan . . . it’s a nightmare! Where is the benefit for the people of Sudan? I wonder how the hate can stop. What will they do next?  There is no functional production to provide for the community. Who is left to exploit? There may be only raw materials like gold, oil, or … Read more

Bye Bye, 4th of July

In 2022 there is nothing to celebrate about the 4th of July in America. We are not honoring our commitment towards ” . . . a more perfect union”. Rational thinking has all but disappeared. Religious fantasies have captured too many in its cloak of belief-based ignorance. At critical junctures in the history of the world, … Read more

Out of Reach and Seeking Integration

Could all of humanity be on the same page? What is the difference that makes up the variety of pages?”  I don’t want to focus on maladies, but more about how the basic views of all in physical reality are more or less the same—food, clothing, home, family, children, physical, mental, psychological and neural health. … Read more

The Neural Impulse: Kill To Survive

“What comes with anger and rage? They’re the blinders of the soul of reason, of the rational mind.” This is the organic trigger of a reaction beyond the control of empathy. It is needed in order to kill for survival. Let me say it simply, when we get angry we blind ourselves to seeing anything … Read more